s e l e c t e d   e x h i b i t i o n s

s o l o 
2015         Treasure Hunt | FIAC HORS LES MURS 2015 | Jardin des Plantes, Paris, France 
2014         A Portrait of The Passing of Time | Galerie Dohyang Lee, Paris, France 
2013         Let’s Think of A Title When We Meet | Globe Gallery, Newcastle, UK
2012         N’EITHER N’OR | Galerie Marie Cini, Paris, France (press release)
2012         En un clin d’œil (01h 59m 60s) | Bad Ems, Germany
2011         À travers | Atelier Hermès | Maroquinerie de Sayat, Auvergne, France  > 
2010         Book Concerto: for 75 Penguins | performance, Penguin Books’ Head offices, London, UK
2009         Galerie HO | Marseille, France
2008         En un clin d’œil (23h 59m 60s) | L’Observatoire de Paris and le 14e, Paris, France

g r o u p 
2017         Mondes Flottants | 14e Biennale de Lyon | Curated by Emma Lavigne | Lyon, France 
2016         Conductor, Conducting Conductors | Duo with Luke Aaron Clark | Artkommunalka, Kolomna, Russia 
2016         Mousai / Muses | Galerie Dohyang Lee, Paris, France 
2016         Work in Progress | Woburn Research Centre, London, UK
2015         (OFF)ICIELLE | FIAC | Galerie Dohyang Lee | Les Docks, Cité de la Mode et du Design, Paris, France 
2015         Between the Woods & the Water | Duo w/ Adrian Williams | Mermaid County Wicklow Arts Centre, Bray, Ireland
2014         (OFF)ICIELLE | FIAC | Galerie Dohyang Lee | Les Docks, Cité de la Mode et du Design, Paris, France 
2014         Condensation | curated by Gaël Charbau | Atelier Hermès, Seoul, South Korea 
2014         The Sounds of Silence | Centre d’art contemporain La Halle des bouchers, Vienne, France 
2014         2.141 The picture is a fact. | Galleria Omphalos, Terlizzi, Bari & L.A.L.D. space, Brindisi, Italy
2014         Condensation | curated by Gaël Charbau | Le Forum, Tokyo, Japan 
2014         ARCO Madrid | Galerie Dohyang Lee | Madrid, Spain 
2013         Like A Little Disaster | Curated by L.A.L.D. | Galleria Omphalos, Terlizzi, Italy
2013         Art Verona | Independents section | Verona, Italy 
2013         Condensation | Nouvelles Vagues | curated by Gaël Charbau | Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France 
2013         choon | part of ‘Pleasure Centre’ project | The Great Central, Leicester, UK
2013         Le pas funambule | Piano Nobile, Halles de la Fonderie à Carouge, Geneva, Switzerland
2013         Found in Translation, chapter M | curated by Emmanuel Lambion | VIP Art Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
2013         Drawing Now Paris (artist in focus) | Galerie Marie Cini, Carousel du Louvre, Paris, France
2012         november remember september | Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral, Bad Ems, Germany
2012         Ça et Là (This & There) | curated by Claude Closky | Fondation Ricard, Paris, France 
2012         The House is set in its own Park | Plazarte, Medellin, Colombia
2011         La Biennale de Lyon en Résonance à Paris | Paris, France
2011         Interior and the Collectors | 11e Biennale de Lyon, Lieu Résonance | Lyon, France
2011         Le Rayon Vert | Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
2011         Minimum: after minimalism | Intervention Gallery, London, UK
2011         The Lost Art of Travelers | Dallas Contemporary, Dallas, Texas, USA
2011         Terminal Convention | curated by Peter Gorschlüter | Cork Airport, Ireland
2010         Index of | Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France   
2010         A Perverse Library | curated by Dr. Simon Morris | Shandy Hall, York, UK
2010         痕迹 | Sahne Museum, Hangzhou, China
2010         (Speaker and performer as part of) Sol LeWitt: Artist’s Books | Site Gallery, Sheffield, UK
2010         Minimalism Massimo | The Gallery at Willesden Green, London, UK
2009         R O O M Collaborators | R O O M gallery, London, UK
2009         The Voice and Nothing More | Woburn Studios and Resonance 104.4fm, London, UK 
2008         Jeune Création Art Contemporain | Grande Halle de la Villette, Paris, France
2008         Illumination | Interval at the Servicepoint Building, Manchester, UK 
2008         The Last Book | Museum of the National Library of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2008         Visual Vocabulary | Willesden Green Library, London, UK
2008         A Gothic Story | Shoreditch Town Hall, London, UK
2008         From Book to Book | Leeds City Art Gallery, Leeds, UK
2008         Notations 2008 | Group show and performances, Woburn Studios, London, UK 
2008         Taenu | TactileBOSCH Art Space, Cardiff, UK
2007         Re-stage | Time based exhibition, Garage Theatre, London, UK (curated by artist)
2007         2 Nights of Ladder Climbing | Parker McMillan, London, UK
2007         Trace | Woburn Square Research Centre, London, UK
2007         Turtle: image-text-music | Woburn Studios, London, UK 
2006         Twonotten: Digital Arts Festival | Bargate Monument Gallery, Southampton, UK

p e r f o r m a n c e s

2017         Week-end des FRACS | FRAC Franche-Comté, Besançon, France    
2017         Mondes Flottants | 14e Biennale de Lyon | Curated by Emma Lavigne | Lyon, France
2015         echo echo | Mermaid County Wicklow Arts Centre, Bray, Ireland
2014         Turtle Salon in the Forest | Screening | Sällbacken in Duved, Jämtland, Sweden
2012         Book Concerto in 8 Acts | Actes Sud & Fondation d’entreprise Hermès, Magasin Hermès Sèvres, Paris
2012         Gran Finale | Künstlerhaus Schloß Balmoral, Bad Ems, Germany
2011         Nuit Résonance | 11e Biennale de Lyon, Interior and the Collectors, Lyon, France
2011         Time of Music | Performance of ‘Between Words’ by Apartment House, Viitasaari, Finland
2010         Sol LeWitt: Artist’s Books | Performance of ‘Between Words’, Site Gallery, Sheffield, UK
2009         Penguin Book Concerto | 12th International Artist’s Book Fair, Leeds, UK
2008         Book Concerto in One Act: for 29 Penguins | R O O M gallery, London, UK
2008         The Art of Sound | Soundwaves Festival, Pavilion Theatre, Brighton, UK
2005         1 minute | Dexter Bentley, Resonance 104.4 fm, London, UK      

a w a r d s   &   r e s i d e n c i e s 

2017         Fluxus Art Projects (for Floating Worlds)
2016         Artist in Residence | Artkommunalka, Kolomna, Russia
2015         Artist in Residence | Invited by David Upton | Courthouse Arts Centre, Tinahely & Bray, Ireland
2014         Artist in Residence | Gyeonggi Creation Center, South Korea
2012-18    AHRC PhD Studentship in Fine Art
2012         Künstlerhaus Schloß Balmoral Fellowship | Bad Ems, Germany
2012         Research Grant | Campos de Gutiérrez Foundation, Colombia
2012         Studio Residency Grant | Women’s Studio Workshop, New York
2010-11    Artist in Residence | Le Pavillon, Palais de Tokyo, Paris
2010         Artist in Residence | Fondation d’entreprise Hermès, France
2009         Ab Travel Award
2009         Artist in Residence | Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris
2008-9      Artist in Residence | Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, France
2008         Clare Winsten Research Fellowship Award
2008         AHRC Travel Award
2006-8      Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Research Preparation Master’s Award

e d u c a t i o n 

2012-19    Slade School of Fine Art, London | PhD Fine Art Candidate
2006-8      Slade School of Fine Art, London | MA Fine Art, Distinction
2002-5      Goldsmiths College, University of London | BA (Hons) Fine Art and History of Art, First Class

p u b l i c a t i o n s    

2016         Les Modules 2010-2015, Hors série Special Issue, Magazine Palais de Tokyo, Paris
2014         Reprint: Appropriation (&) Literature, edited by Annette Gilbert, published by Lux Books, Weisbaden, Germany
2013         Elisabeth S. Clark, N’EITHER N’OR, edited by Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral, Germany   
2012         Elisabeth S. Clark à la Maroquinerie de Sayat, coedited by Actes Sud & Fondation d’entreprise Hermès, Paris
2012         Emergency Index, Ugly Duckling Presse, New York (launch event at The Kitchen, New York > details)
2012         Ça et Là (This & There), exhibition catalogue, edited by Claude Closky, published by Palais de Tokyo, Paris
2011         Against Expression, edited by Craig Dworkin and Kenneth Goldsmith, Northwestern University Press, Illinois
2009         Today, postcard series by Elisabeth S. Clark, published and edited by Galerie Ho, Marseille
2008         Between Words, UbuWeb, U B U  Editions (n° 33), online 
2008         The Last Book, a project by Luis Camnitzer, sponsored by the Museum of the National Library of Spain, Madrid
2007         “Fit (between words)” and “This page is a site, cite, sight”, Cluster arts magazine, Issue 1

p r e s s 

2016         “Between Words: Une nouvelle expérimentation pour S[i]nglish”, Château-Gontier, 26 February 2016
2015         FIAC Hors Les Murs 2015 ‘Treasure Hunt’ press reviews (selection), October-November 2015 
2015         Press review OFFICIELLE (page 8), October 2015
2014         Reviews in numerous Korean magazines (Vogue, ELLE, Harper’s, Marie Claire, Monthly Design etc) Oct-Nov
2013         Paris - Bruxelles & Retour, “Condensation”, Radio feature by Thierry Génicot, 2 August 2013
2013         Le Monde d’Hermès, “Artists in Residence, Contemporary Art and Savoir-Faire”, Autumn/Winter 2013
2012         Les Quotidiennes, “Les cils de nos yeux, poussière d’or... le minimalisme revisité par les femmes”, 5 December
2012         Le Bonbon Centre, “Interview, Elisabeth S. Clark, N’either N’or”, no 37, Paris, November 2012
2012         Visual Artbeat Magazine, “Elisabeth S. Clark’s En un clin d’œil, 01h 59m 60s”, Issue 10, October 2012
2012         Rhein-Lahn-Zeitung, “Artist Elisabeth S. Clark immerses Bad Ems into darkness”, 30 June 2012 
2011         Le Monde d’Hermès, “Artists’ Residencies”, Autumn/ Winter 2011 
2011         Framed Magazine, “Home is where the art is”, Andre Cooray, Hong Kong, May 2011 
2011         Art Papers, “Crossroads”, May/June 2011
2011         RTÉ Radio 1, 15 March 2011 
2011         France 3 Auvergne, Regional Television, News feature, 26 January 2011
2008         Axis, Rona Smith, June, online
2007         “Re-stage” (post thoughts) and “Le cartulaire”, IRP magazine, Issues 1 and 2

p u b l i c   &   p r i v a t e   c o l l e c t i o n s 

FRAC Franche-Comté 
Tate Gallery, London (Library Archive Collection)
Fondation d’entreprise Hermès
Penguin Books
V&A National Art Library
La Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris
The British Library, London
The Pataphysical Museum and Archive (of the London Institute of ‘Pataphysics)
Strang Print Collection, London
University College London Special Collections
York College Collections
Leeds College of Art & Design Sound & Performance Archive Collection

s e l e c t e d   t e a c h i n g   &   r e s e a r c h   e m p l o y m e n t

2016         Artist Talk | Artkommunalka, Kolomna, Russia 
2014         Artist Talk | Gyeonggi Creation Center, South Korea 
2013         Visiting Artist Lecturer | BA Fine Art, Teesside University, Middlesbrough
2012         Artist Intervention | Sensation-Soustraction, Musée Guimet, Paris
2011         Artist Talk | Intervention Gallery, London
2011         Visiting Lecturer | Crawford College of Art & Design, CIT, Ireland
2011         Visiting Lecturer | Leeds College of Art
2010         Keynote Speaker | Sol LeWitt conference | Site Gallery and Sheffield Hallam University
2010         Founding Editor | Turn Press, London
2009         Visiting Lecturer | BA Fine Art, University of Leeds
2007         Editorial Research Assistant | TATE ETC. magazine, London 
2007-8      Workshop Leader | Experimental Drawing | Futureversity, London

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